What does Mission Beautiful Australia do?

Mission Beautiful Australia is a Social Enterprise established in 2014. Through our podcast and relationship training programs, we aim to empower and inspire everyone to understand healthy relationships and how to avoid Domestic Violence. MBAU is a business for social change.

MBAU provides Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention Strategies through professional online and in-person programs, arming vulnerable people with the correct information to raise more awareness for and end gender-based Domestic Violence in families and relationships.

MBAU educates the community and victims on preventing, intervening safely, and planning your way out of a DV relationship.

MBAU offers online programs for individuals and in-person training for groups, such as workplace training groups and hosted four-week programs. MBAU programs build self-esteem and emotional intelligence in our youth and parents from all walks of life.

Our programs relate to our students regardless of their social background or family dynamic. We teach how to stay safe when dating, what is real love, How to know you belong and Know who you are in the world. Our overarching goal is to empower young people with knowledge and self-worth.

Preventing self-loathing and building emotional IQ in our youth is the most effective pathway to ending DFV and beyond.

Esteem needs encompass confidence, strength, self-belief, personal and social acceptance, and respect from others by guiding people to feel loved, belonging and friendship, to have trust.

Because we believe all people deserve to have access to free relationship education to avoid toxic relationships and end DV.

Mission Beautiful Australia's core values are Empowerment through Emotional Intelligence and Healthy Relationships Programs.

We operate from a feminist framework, and we acknowledge that domestic, family and sexual violence is gender-based violence, predominantly perpetrated by men against women.

We provide programs to support everyone experiencing domestic, family, or sexual violence. We are committed to working collaboratively as part of the broader system, developing innovative services, and providing robust governance and organizational sustainability to deliver our vision and mission.

MBAU has been blessed over the years to feature on:

The Mission We Share

Domestic and Family Violence Women's shelters provide a service for women and children who have experienced domestic violence. DFV Shelters provide safety and prevention of further violence and abuse and crisis accommodation for women and children escaping DV. Also, providing information, advice, advocacy, and Referral support for women and children.

Shelters and other crucial frontline services need our support. Currently, most of these services go unfunded by the government and rely on businesses such as yours and mine to raise awareness and contribute what we can.

Our goal is to show people from all walks of life that there is hope and help, and it's available to them. We want to teach self-love and confidence in all people, no matter their gender or sexual preference.

Domestic Violence is a vicious epidemic in this country and many others. It's about time we all took a stand and said NO MORE DV. MBAU is calling ALL people who have experienced DV or maybe you want to have your say; to share your story with MBAU. Your story will be shared with our audience via our blog or podcast and will bring hope to many people.

Please email us at missionbeautifulustralia@gmail.com if you have a story you would like to share either anonymously or not.

How do you feel about Domestic Violence, and what are you doing to change it?


Find your power faster. Become a member.

Build more healthy relationships and escape toxic love for good; with MBAU free resources. Because we believe all people deserve to live without fear in their homes. A FREE monthly membership may be precisely what you need to take control of your life!

#youareenough #breakthecycle #mbau

Amy-Lee Farr DV Recovery Coach and Mentor


Hi, I'm Amy Lee!

I am a mum of 5; I, along with my 5 children, have been victims of violent relationships.

Post DFV, I have spent 20 years researching and studying human behaviour, body language, business, marketing and photography, and training women to become the most amazing version of themselves.

Unfortunately, my children and I have suffered extreme DFV. I spent many years running from my perpetrators. Until I realised that the solution to my life being turned upside down by relationships was within me.

As a survivor, I wanted to give back, so in 2014 I launched MBA Magazine. An educational magazine on the prevention and case studies of DFV victims.

With my specialist experience in domestic violence prevention, I have been able to help thousands of people through our publications.

Mission Beautiful Australia has transformed from a magazine publication in 2014 to a podcast launched in August 2021!

15 min and 30 min episodes loaded with easy, simple tips, advice, interviews and much more.

See you on the inside!

Amy-Lee Farr

Founder + Podcast Host

Get inspired to start your journey to healing!